Saturday, May 29, 2010

Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

Dom our UNH 2010 Grad!

Dom's would like to wish everyone a safe and sun-filled Memorial Day weekend! This past week we have
so much to celebrate and be grateful for.

First, our future "Dom" graduated from the University of New Hampshire with a degree in Business and Marketing. (left photo)

Second, we went live with our new and improved website -- thank you Cendyn! Our website has new and exciting information, including our history, menus, catering partners and our new commercial as well as other locations in the area that carry our product! We hope you enjoy browsing through the site and discovering what we have to offer. Also, you will find links to our Facebook page, Twitter posts and Yelp reviews!

Lastly, we are so grateful for the new business that we have made these past few months through our new marinated meats program. We realized that our meats were in high demand, but sometimes it was difficult for people to make it down to our Malden location. We listened to our consumers and began selling our product through other local food stores, farm markets, and liquor stores. Please visit our website to find the nearest location.

Again, have a great Memorial Day weekend and kick off your summer with Dom's!